Participants wishing to present a paper at the symposium are required to submit an abstract. A digest of submitted abstracts will be provided to all participants at the symposium. The Council of the Italian Glaciological Committee has decided to publish a thematic issue of the Geografia Fisica Dinamica Quaternaria ISI Journal on topics consistent with the Symposium themes. Participants and non-participants alike are encouraged to submit manuscripts for this volume.
Submit the paper as attached file in Word or PDF (preferred) format to the GFDQ Editorial Board –
Figures and tables must be numbered and placed at the end of the text in separate pages. Please, note that the total size of any electronic submission should not exceed 10MB. Once the paper will be accepted for publication, high quality figures will be requested. Hard copy submission is possible in triplicate copies (original and two copies) directly to the Editor in Chief.
Submission of an article is understood to imply that the article is original and unpublished and is not considered for publication elsewhere.
Two referees (at least) indicated by the Editorial Board will review the submitted paper. Acceptance or rejection of a paper is the responsibility of the Editor in Chief on the basis of the reviews. When a paper has been accepted for publication and is in its final form, the word file of the text and.JPG or .TIFF files of the figures must be sent to the Editor in Chief. All articles accepted for the publication become the copyright of the Journal.
The deadline for submitting papers is 01/15/2015
The paper should be typewritten with double spacing and wide margin. Words to be printed in italic should be underlined. All pages must be numbered. The title page should include the title, the name (s) of the author (s) and their affiliation. Each paper should be preceded by an abstract in English and by key-words in English. In addition the authors could insert an abstract and key words in the language of the Country in which the work has been carried out.
The literature in the text should be inserted in brackets in full for single or dual authors (De Lorenzo & Dainelli, 1923) but (Almagià & alii , 1947) for multiple authors. Reference should be listed in alphabetical order at the end of the paper in the following standar form:
Davis W. M. (1899) – The geographical cycle. Geographical Journal, 14, 481-504.
Rovereto G. (1923) – Le forme della Terra. Trattato di Geologia Morfologica. Hoepli, Milano, 1190 pp.
Summerfield M.A. [Ed.] (2000) – Geomorphology and Global Tectonics. Wiley, Chichester. 367 pp.
Varnes D.J. (1978) – Slope Movements Types and Processes. In: Schuster R.L. & Krizek R.J. (Eds.) Landslides: Analysis and Control. Transportation Research Board Special Report 176. National Academy of Sciences, Washington, 11-33.
In the reference all the authors should be named. The references should include only works quoted in the text.