The CGI promotes the organization of scientific workshops and meetings in order to diffuse scientific results, to highlight some major problems related to the study of Glaciology, and to maintain the contacts with national and international organizations. The increasing participation of young researchers to these events confirms the vigour of Italian research in the field of glaciology and represents a motivation to maintain this 40-years old tradition, that started in 1970 under the chair of Prof. Ardito Desio
- • Summer school (1959, 22-27 august, Valtournanche glacier)
“Held with the purpose to give indications to glaciological operators, especially young ones, for the development of yearly researches on glacier monitoring. The CGI believed it useful to group some volunteers and, directly on glaciers, make some measurements and observations […]. On glaciers, it is easier to discuss the problems and make agreements, and it is easier to find common and coordinated strategies about fieldworks during glaciological campaigns”.” (M. Vanni).
Minutes published on the CGI Newsletter series II, issue 9, 1961, p. 35-43. - 1st Glaciological Meeting (1970, 9-11 October, Bormio)
Minutes published on CGI Newsletter, series II, issue 18, 1970, p. 147-151 - 2nd Glaciological Meeting (1971, 1-4 October, Courmayeur)
Proceedings published on CGI Newsletter, series II, issue 19, 1971 - 3rd Glaciological Meeting (1973, 6-8 October, Trento)
Minutes published on CGI Newsletter series II, issue 21, 1973, p. 166-167 - 4th Glaciological Meeting (1975, 26-27 September, Udine)
Minutes published on CGI Newsletter series II, issue 23, 1975, p. 136-141 - 5th Glaciological Meeting (1983, 30 September-2nd October, Bolzano)
Proceedings published on Geogr. Fis. Dinam. Quat., 8(2), 1985 (PDF) - 6th Glaciological Meeting (1991, 26-27 September, Gressoney La Trinité)
Proceedings published on Geogr. Fis. Dinam. Quat., 15(1-2), 1992 (PDF) - 7th Glaciological Meeting (1995, 19-20 October, Turin)
“One-hundred years of glaciological research in Italy”
Proceedings published on Geogr. Fis. Dinam. Quat., 18(2), 1995 (PDF) - 8th Glaciological Meeting (1999, 9-12 September, Bormio)
“Alpine glaciers and climate change
Proceedings published on Geogr. Fis. Dinam. Quat., Supplementary issue V, 2001 - International Symposium (2014, 18-21 September, Turin)“The Future of the Glaciers: from the past to the next 100 years”
Abstracts – DOI 10.4461/GFDQ.2014.37.15 (PDF)